Detective Haley, Florida
"VIPRE SYSTEMS has streamlined the application of Voice Stress Analysis and is more effective and accurate than a competitor's VSA I was accustomed to in the past."
Detective Jack Trombetta, NJ
“The fact that VIPRE can quantify and analyze the vago-sympathetic stress related responses to direct questions has made it my go-to technology.”

VSA Principles
Everyone has experienced stress related to a deceptive response in their life. Whether accused as a child with regards to stealing from a department store, questionable IRS filings or even a fidelity issue, stress with ANY consequence of discovery WILL manifest itself demonstratively in the body’s autonomic response from the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and Vagus nerve.
Stress CAN be recorded as documented in numerous scientific and medical studies and scientific and medical studies are rife with support of the Vagus nerve and its relationship to the brain, psychological, and the body (nerves) physiological. Additionally, empirical data includes more than 50 years of success in VSA examinations as documented from law enforcement agencies across the globe.

The Autonomic Nervous System
The Vagus Nerve
The vagus nerve is a remarkable nerve that relates to the function of numerous structures in the body and supplies nerve fibers to the pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe), lungs, heart, esophagus and most of the intestinal tract (as far as the transverse portion of the colon. In addition, it brings sensory information back from the ear, tongue, pharynx, and larynx.
Overt or Latent Stress Reactions
Reaction to deceptive stress can be revealed overtly in the form of observable reactions such as sweating, a shaky voice, dry mouth, increased body odor, runny nose, upset stomach, hives, or coupled with notable body movements, i.e., body language. This visible overt response, more commonly referred to as the "Fight or Flight Syndrome."
This same stress, however, can create a more LATENT and hidden form of expression. Regardless of whether the stress response is visible or latent, these latent emotions of stress will manifest and cannot be voluntarily controlled.
The LATENT reaction to stress, when reacting to a specifically formatted examination question with known consequences, is what VIPRE captures, displays, graphically measures and scores (VASIS) as either NO STRESS INDICATED (NSI) or STRESS INDICATED (SI).
VIPRE captures the changes in an individual's vocal responses based on carefully designed question formatting and direct questions that require an absolute affirmation or denial with regards to the consequence of an event or accusation.
When the brain receives and interprets information from the questions asked, this information may or may not produce a higher level of stress, depending on guilt, associated with the consequence of discovery. Once any stressful information is learned, the brain sends a message through neurons to effecter cells, muscle or gland cells which react accordingly in a proportionate reaction. The Vagus Nerve picks up this subtle reaction when stress is present by sending motor impulses to the vocal cords (folds).
The certified VIPRE examiner formulates questions to illicit these responses and VIPRE records the utterance in a sound picture or pattern. These patterns are automatically modulated and serve as a visual review of stress or a lack of stress to the direct questions asked regarding the issue at hand or case under investigation.
Based on the levels of stress captured on individual questions, VIPRE helps provide the certified examiner with data to complement his total investigation and if merited, potentially follow-up more directly post examination phase, for clarification.