Detective Freeman, Missouri
"The VIPRE training class is the most interesting and informative class I have ever attended. The instruction
is top shelf as is the equipment."
Sgt Talbot, Indiana
"Having used competitors in the past, the VIPRE is much easier to use. I now have a better understanding of the voice and chart interpretation as the VIPRE training is much better than what I experienced at my previous training."
VIPRE & Polygraph
The Polygraph, used in law enforcement and military applications, has served the profession well. Unfortunately, the length of time from initial examiner certification, the lack of field portability do to lenghty exam set-up preparation and the myriad of connections required , often has prevented its use leaving a gap in vetting (screening) new hires, gathering intelligence and examining victims, witnesses and suspects.
The Polygraph requires a prospective examiner to complete a process of approximately eight weeks in training plus a protracted internship of one year. (For most examiners) The Polygraph application is extremely difficult to operate and by its very nature of design, very time consuming and limited.
The Polygraph pre-test procedure requires the examinee to sit through a lengthy interview prior to testing. An examiner must determine whether the prospective examinee is mentally and physically fit. (Note: Many individuals will not qualify for an examination if they are using any number of legal medications or illegal drugs. In addition, if they are obese, fatigued, very hungry, too young or too old, suffer from mental disorders, pregnant, etc. they may indeed be precluded from taking the polygraph examination.)
Furthermore, polygraph mandates a complete cooperation of the examinee while the examiner attaches the cardio monitor, the galvanic skin response conductor and pneumographic tubing. These attachments can be intimidating and uncomfortable during an examination, which can exacerbate the concern for anyone who may display a difficulty in maintaining an attitude of complete cooperation. Some cannot help but move or fail to control a desire to scratch somewhere and any movement or anything that violates the examiner's instruction, whether due to a guilty conscience or fear, can result in a termination of the examination or listing the exam as inconclusive.
VIPRE can bridge many of the problematic concerns of polygraph.
VIPRE has been designed for extreme ease of operator use. As a result, an individual can receive a VIPRE Examiner Certification after completion of a five-day training course. Less time in the classroom means more time in the field.
VIPRE does not require an interview with regards to physical or mental health. Anyone, who can come in for an examination and answer questions responsively and functions in society without the aid of another person can normally be examined. Therefore, age is not a factor.
VIPRE does not require the uncomfortable and often alarming attachments required during a polygraph examination; the examinee merely wears an unobtrusive feather weight microphone. Since VIPRE measures subconscious activities of the autonomic nervous system via the Vegas Nerve the examinee can answer questions, move in their chair and scratch their nose if they desire. The examinee only must sit through a few questions about the issue under investigation and answer in an affirmation or denial. No surprise questions are asked, and the examinee agrees to the wording of the questions prior to any exam.
By limiting the time-consuming requirements of the polygraph, ease of use for the examiner and advanced technology of VIPRE, most voice stress examinations can be conducted in less than thirty minutes. With real-time capabilities and the ability to examine specialized audio tapes, VIPRE is poised to be the investigative tool of choice for law enforcement and the military.
Voice Stress and Polygraph instruments are both instruments designed to measure stressful reactions in the human body. Both technologies are sound and differ only in the application of their end used technology.
VIPRE clearly believes that the polygraph instrument has proven itself over the years as a valued part of the investigative community. What VIPRE technology offers is simply more investigative flexibility, less physical invasiveness, much timelier examinations VIPRE extreme portability.
With the advent of vago-sympathetic voice stress technology instrumentation, its portability, ease of use and minimal physical invasiveness, voice stress examinations have become a popular alternative to the more cumbersome polygraph for government agencies and law enforcement across the country.