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VASIS Powered Vago-Sympathetic Stress Analysis

Iyo VIPRE S-5000

Pre-Employment / Background Checks

Kushandiswa kweVIPRE mubvunzurudzo yepamberi pebasa chinhu chakakosha chekuhaya chekugadzirisa icho chinozivisa nzvimbo dzinogona kunetsa nekudaro kubatsira mukusarudza kweakanakisa mumiriri.


Kugona kuziva chokwadi ndicho chinangwa chinodiwa nguva dzose, kunyanya chekuchengetedza mutemo. Nekuda kweizvozvo, pane kudikanwa kwakanyanya kwekusimbisa ruzivo munguva yenguva inogoneka.


Munzvimbo yakazvimiririra yekuferefeta, VIPRE yakaratidza kuve yakakosha kana ichishandiswa kuratidza uye kujekesa ruzivo rwunodiwa mubazi rehurumende.


Kubva Gunyana 11, 2001, Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) yakabuda sechinhu chakakosha muhondo inoenderera mberi yekurwisa hugandanga.

VIPRE T Logo Transparent_edited.png

Approaching our 20th year in business, we would like to thank all of you for your patronage over the years. We invite you to check out the VASIS powered VIPRE H-3000. Thank you again for all that you do.


Approaching our 20th year in business, we invite you to join the thousands of law enforcement, security personnel and private investigators across the globe utilizing VIPRE Vagal stress detection in their daily operations.  

Designed from the ground up to be user friendly, the VIPRE H-3000 provides unsurpassed ease of use and functional mobility in the field.​  Capturing and graphically displaying stressful reactions from the vagus nerve, VIPRE effortlessly provides an extraordinary tool for pre-employment and investigative scenarios.

VIPRE utilizing our enhanced VASIS (Virtual Autonomic Scoring Index System) auto-scoring technology, provides an unsurpassed level of confidence for both new and veteran examiners.


VIPRE is NOT a lie detector, nor is any of our competitors or polygraph.   VIPRE IS however, a carefully designed software application that through its microphone interface and formulated examination procedure, WILL designate responses to specific questions as STRESS INDICATED (SI) or NO STRESS INDICATED (NSI).  


We invite you to reach out for more information or click HERE to request access to our on-line demonstration.

Haisi nguva yawakaona simba reVIPRE S-5000?

  1. Simba VIPRE On.

  2. Maikorofoni inogadzirisa otomatiki.

  3. Pindura (6) Exam Parameter Mibvunzo

  4. VIPRE inogadzira bvunzo yakakwana.

  5. Ita machati 1-3 pabvunzo

  6. Dhinda/Chengetedza chati yebvunzo muPDF Format

  7. Nguva yakapfuura: 30-60 maminitsi

We take pride in the last 20 years.


Years of Experience


IAVSA Yakatenderwa


Certified Examiners


Nyika Dzepasi Pose



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